Crown of Life 3 and 4 Year Old Preschool
Mission Statement: “Crown of Life School and Preschool exists as an arm of the outreach ministry of Crown of Life Church. Our mission is to assist metro Detroit parents in nurturing and equipping their children as Christ’s disciples for this life and for eternity.”

Crown of Life Preschool is here to teach and train children in accordance with the Savior’s command: “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.“(Matthew 19:14)
Thus it is the goal of our licensed preschool program to nurture and train God’s lambs as followers of our Savior. Through our program your child will be able to grow spiritually, socially, emotionally, and physically in a Christian environment.
Our Curriculum
We are a Christ-Centered Preschool where God’s Word is taught through Christ Light (a curriculum of Bible lessons) and reinforced daily through our words and actions.
Old Testament: Creation-Jonah
New Testament: Birth of Jesus-Ascension
In addition to Christ Light we use the HighScope Curriculum. In a HighScope preschool program, teachers ignite children’s interest in learning by creating an environment that encourages them to explore learning materials and interact with adults and peers. We focus on supporting early learners as they make decisions, build academic skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become part of a classroom community.
Active learning is at the center of the HighScope Curriculum. It’s the foundation of young children gaining knowledge through their natural play and interactions with the environment, events, and other people. Within the High Scope curriculum, there are key developmental indicators (KDIs) that are in depth and comprehensive curriculum content. Developmental conveys the idea that learning is gradual and moves sequentially. Indicators emphasizes that we need evidence children are learning the essential knowledge and skills that prepare them for school and life.
Approaches to Learning: this describes how young children go about acquiring new knowledge and mastering skills.
Social and Emotional Development: begins at birth and continues into adulthood, and the relationships children develop in their early years shape them for life.
Physical Development and Health: refining basic skills and expanding gross motor and fine motor capabilities.
Language, Literacy, and Communication: develop their growing verbal, reading, and writing skills as preschoolers.
Mathematics: hands-on activities so they can count blocks in a tower, create shapes with play dough, find the right-sized dress for a doll, make a pattern with shells and acorns, and figure out what the class's favorite snack is.
Creative Arts: visual arts, music, movement, and pretend play engage children on many levels.
Science and Technology: models of scientific inquiry that involves asking and answering questions and applying problem-solving techniques.
Social Studies: learn about people, places, times, and environments, and how and where their lives fit within the fabric of society.
Non-Discrimination Policy: Crown of Life Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality or ethnic origin.