What to Expect at Crown of Life
We know getting to know a new church might make you nervous. We’ve prepared this page to help you understand what to expect when you visit as our guest at Crown of Life. Here you can learn what to expect at worship.
If you've got any questions, don’t hesitate to ask us. You can contact us at any time (see contact information at the bottom of this page). And, as always, you're invited to visit us Sunday mornings at 9:00 am for worship.
Our Worship
When you come through our doors you'll be in our gathering area. Though small, members of Crown of Life and our guests visit before entering the sanctuary for worship.
Where to sit
Feel free to sit wherever you'd like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.
What to wear
Come as you are. We aren't worried about what you're wearing.
What to do
Feel free to join in as you're comfortable or just sit and listen. Service folders and a projection are availalbe to help you follow along with the service. We follow a traditional style of worship centered around God speaking to us in his Word and the congregation responding in word and song. It can take some getting used to if you're unfamiliar.
What about the Kids
Kids of all ages are welcome at Crown of Life. We encourage kids and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God's word and sing his praise. For this reason we do not offer a separate children's service.
The gathering space immediately outside of the worship area serves as our cry room. Speakers allow you to follow along with the service if you need to step out with your child.
Our Pastor
Pastor Paul Ritter​
Paul was born on Rockford, IL in 1994. Paul graduated from Harlem High School in 2013. Paul enlisted in the National Guard after high school and then was encouraged to pursue pastoral ministry. He graduated from Martin Luther College in 2019, and from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in 2023.
Paul served his vicar year, under the supervision of Pastor Andy Schwartz, at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Bremerton, WA. In May 2023 he received a divine call to serve the people at Crown of Life Lutheran Church and School.
In June 2020, Paul married his wife, Amelia (McPeek) Ritter.